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All contributions will be tax deductible in the calendar year they are paid. However, they are credited to your account by fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).
Please select which volunteer committees you would be interested in participating in. Please note that some committees may be full, while others may be dormant, waiting for someone to step up to a leadership role. Select all that apply.
Por favor seleccione en cuáles comités de voluntarios le interesaría participar. Por favor note que algunos comités podrían estar llenos mientras otros estén inactivos, esperando por alguien que ocupe un rol de liderazgo en el. Seleccione todos los que apliquen.
By answering this, you allow us to know a little more about you; what types of programs you enjoy, opportunities you want, and experiences you want at Temple Beth Shalom. Please feel free to leave anything you like in this box.